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C9 Sneaky Gives his Opinions on C9 Svenskeren (Stream Highlight)
C9 Jack About Svenskeren and Sneaky Situation 🤔
"Sneaky was the clumsiest Cloud9 player" -C9 Jack
Im Confident We Can Win it All - Sneaky | Rekkles and Svenskeren Interview
C9 Sneaky Introductions Gone Wrong lol
C9 Jack About Cloud9 SCRIMS and C9 DIPLEX Being Sneaky 👀
C9 Sneaky | 777 Ezreal (& Sneaky's Thoughts on TSM's New Bot-Lane)
Nisqy: The "Better Jensen" (Meme Q&A Session with C9 Nisqy, ft. Rush)
Warriors cover by C9 Svenskeren ft. Licorice, Jensen, Goldenglue, Ovilee
C9 Svenskeren after beating FREESM
'We give TL too much respect, but against any other team, we just kill those idiots'
We defeated TSM before we came to EU -C9 Sneaky